I. Welcome and Introduction (15 mins)
a. RISS members introduce themselves/institutions
b. Acknowledge conference sessions involving RISS members
II. Communications update: (15 mins)
a. Announce next year’s moderators: Amy Ballmer, moderator, and Mia D’Avanza, Vice Moderator.
b. Elect new officer: AWS News Editor
III. Open Discussion (30 mins)
a. RISS publication update: ARLIS/NA Libguide and Pathfinder Directory
b. Comments and suggestions for directory
c. Comments and suggestions for RISS blog content such as links and discussions:
d. Ideas for ongoing RISS projects including sponsoring a session
e. Reference trends and innovations in reference services
f. The future of Arts reference, identifying core reference sources and materials
g. ACRL Visual literacy standards: any discussions/implementation plans at your institutions regarding visual literacy and reference?
IV. Adjourn meeting